Sunday, October 21, 2007

Partial birth abortion

A subtopic of abortion is the controvery of partial birth abortions. Partial abortion births are performed to remove the baby from a woman’s cervix easier by reducing the size of the skull. This procedure is done if the fetus is dead, if the mother is in danger or if the baby will have some long term developmental damage. A partial birth abortion is done in either the second or third trimester. The baby is delivered as a breech (feet first). The process is as follows : the legs, arms and torso is delivered, the back of the skull is punctured with scissors, a curette is inserted into the skull, the brain is sunctioned out so that the size of the skull decreases and then the rest of the delivery is completed. This is a dangerous procedure because delivering the baby in a breech position could rupture the uterus and as a result the mother could bleed to death. In addition, if the baby's skull is being punctured than the bone shards could also puncture the uterus. It's not so hot for the baby to experience either. Enough said?!? I will go into more depth about this in my next post.


trailrunner89 said...

This is a very graphic, yet informative post. I have a greater understanding of what a partial birth abortion is now. I think the only way I agree with this type of abortion method is if the mother's life is in danger. Do they ever consider doing a c-section if the baby is already dead, or do they only use partial birth abortions? I am very interested in reading your next post.

lashawna said...

this is a post that i would say is a scare tactic- mainly because it scared me!! i dont know however if it was intended to be towards the mother. the way it was worded implied that this is a necessary procedure. i did however like the post and im glad i changed my topic because i would have a hell of a competition. cant wait to read the next post.

HotShot said...

To answer trail runner's question partial birth abortions are not used often when comparing it on a world wide basis but it i sbecoming a little bit more well known than it has been. I included it in my posts because it was an intersting topic that I came across that people should be informed about.

HotShot said...

This post was intended to be towards anyone I was just letting everybody know how the real procedure worked. Everybody likes to sugar coat things but I just like to say how it is. I am trying my best to use unbiased language I did not mean for it to come off as a scare tactic but people should be informed.