Sunday, November 4, 2007

Self Analysis

After researching abortion over this period of time I have really grown as a thinker. I have learned that all online sources are not credible. The most credible sources are the ones that end in .net, .org, or .edu because they are more reliable. You should also consider the author’s credentials and if the website sources proper documentation. The website should have a scholarly writing style that includes citations, few grammatical and spelling errors, no logical fallacies and appropriate vocabulary. By using credible sources and by looking at both sides of the argument I was able to accumulate information and I re-formulated my own opinion about the issue of abortion. Even though it is not known when the fetus is considered to be alive, after seeing this picture my perspective changed because of how human-like it appears to be. Whenever I heard the word 'abortion' I would automatically just picture a blob of tissue, but after seeing that I have to question myself and wonder if abortions should occur this much. I learned a lot about abortion and never realized before how many long term effects it had with everyone involved. As a result, I am more moderate towards abortion now, whereas before I was pretty far left. I don’t think that mothers should abort simply because they made a mistake and use abortion as birth control. Abortion should not be done solely because the girl is too irresponsible to have a baby since there are other options like adoption and couseling. If they made the decision to have sex than they should be well informed about what can happen if they end up pregnant. I still believe that the mother should do what is best for her and her family but it is imperative that she plans out the pros and cons of the situation. I believe that before going to have an abortion women should be notified of the type of drawbacks that will be experienced. Also, in the case that the child that is supposed to be aborted ended up surviving the mother should know that it could be detrimental to that child later on in life. All information needs to be out in the open and so better choices will be made if people are more educated. My thoughts have not changed about the government not having any involvement with what to do with people’s own bodies. I think that religion and abortion will almost always be connected with one another because people usually turn to faith to help deal with their feelings and to look for guidance. I would like to thank this time now to thank you guys for staying tuned in and for making coments. It has really helped with my understanding of this topic and is greatly appreciated.


JeriGe591iniArtemYI said...

.My view on this debate is that multiple views will always stand in the way of making a clear cut statement of when life begins. To come to a solution we will have to look to science to determine when life truly begins. I only see abortion as justify able when the pregnancy was brought about by rape or sexual assault. Otherwise, no one has the right to take away life and end it because they made a bad decision and where too shortsighted to look at the consequence of thier engagement in sexual activity.

canYOUHEARme said...

I believe that all women have a choice to choose. All people make mistakes in life, and accidents do happen. Also I believe that if women are raped, or are in risk of dying an abortion is necessary. Since it is your own body you have the choice.

Leslie H said...

I really agree with a lot of what you said in this post. I think that it is wrong to use abortion as birth control but there are definitely certain circumstances where it is acceptable. I've learned a lot about the topic of abortion through all of your posts and I think it is really important for more people to be educated on the subject before making decisions about their views.

whitney said...

The debate on abortion will never fully be resolved unfortunatly. This is because of various religious groups that will always find it necessary to voice their strong opinion towards this matter. The other groups are those who think it is the woman's choice to choose life or death for the fetus she is carrying. The decision to abort a child should not be taken lightly and should be thought through entirely before a final decision is made.

mike said...

All this information really helps me to understand the whole issue of abortion, which I never really paid attention to. Now that I see what the whole issue is about I can finally understand why it is so important in American society and it helps me decide as to how I view abortion.

pixley07 said...

I agree with those who said that the debate on abortion will never come to a full consensus. I disagree strongly with jergie..., canyou...,. I find it hard to believe that science can solve this issue about when life begins. Science isn't always concrete. Until this year, the whole world believed Pluto was a planet! If a female were to get raped, there are alternate options instead of getting an abortion. Being raped is amongst one of the worse things that could ever happen to a female. The consequences can be devastating and horrific. i believe that a female could possibly give up for adoption instead. Yes i understand that we as humans make mistakes. God knows that im not perfect, but why should someone else suffer? If we make stupid mistakes why make another one?

HotShot said...

Thank you Leslie. I have tried my best with providing information that will help the readers to formulate their own opinions. It's a great experience to be able to affect a person in such a way to change the way people think about a certain subject. I hope it helped you guys as much as it helped me. Thanks for tuning in.

HotShot said...

Pixley brought up a very good point. This whole debate pretty much centers around the idea that nobody knows when life really begins. How are we supposed to find out when life begins, especially if it is taking too long for scientists and doctors to figure it out? I think this is a topic that needs to be further researched if we plan to get anywhere close to a resolution in the abortion debate. Thank you everyone for your comments. It has given me a change to think more critically than I ever have before.

Vilese11 said...

Like you said, this debate is largely rooted in relgious beliefs and it will always be debated. I think you did a good job on your blog and you also presented some things that I didn't know about myself.

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