Sunday, October 14, 2007

There is no easy way out

Abortion affects the mother in many diferent ways that I dont think the general public looks at. They always just see the mother as someone who "killed her child" or " has no soul" but in actuality the mother suffers a hell of a lot more than people think. Abortions can change the way the mother looks at the world and she can become stressed out easier and even more pessimistic. It can lead to long term emotional changes and the mother could affect not only herself but also everyone around her. In a study of post abortion patients researchers found that 44% complained of nervous disorders, 36% had experienced sleep disturbances, 31% had regrets about their decision, and 11% had been prescribed psychotropic medicine by their family doctor. The types of women that are most susceptible to needing psychological treatment are tennagers, seperated women, divorced women and a woman who has had previous abortions. Is the abortion worth the emotional results that the mother could experience after having this procedure done? would it be easier for the mother to just have the baby, try out parenting and if it doesnt work out then give it up for adoption? people try and make things the easiest way that they can so that they can do less work and get more out of it. In this situation there is no easy way. You have to carefully weight out the pros and cons of each side and determine your action from there. Would you feel as if you just have killed your son or daughter or would you feel you have made a better decisin for yourself by aborting so that you can wait until you are ready for that type of responsiibility? If the mother is thinking about abortion they need to think about it quickly but carefully because the earlier the abortion is performed the safer and less attached the mother will be to the fetus. Regardless of this fact, the mother will still experience other side effects like anger, sexual dysfunction, guilt, increase in drug and alchol abuse, flashbacks, avoidance, denial, memory repression, suicidal ideas, and dificulty keeping close relationships. Nevertheless, the mother has to make sure that they will be able to live with the choice that they will make because it WILL affect them later on in life.


Anne said...

Undoubtedly, it will have an affect on the mother, but a baby would have a serious impact on any mother. The numbers you present, though significant, are still minorities. I think that there would be more emotional distress if the mother chooses to have the baby, becomes attached, and then realizes after the fact that it is not a good situation. Yes, there are side-effects to having an abortion, but there are also some serious implications imposed by having the baby.

lashawna said...

I think that in this topic you did a good jobs on displaying the rights entitled to the mother but i want to hear more about the baby or the fetus. The arguments of pro-choice and pro-birth should be further explained.

HotShot said...

I was just discussing the possible negative effects that the mother could experience when deciding to have an abortion or not. This was written to give people an outlook on what the mother really has to go through because some people just think that the mother chooses to have an abortion without any re precautions. I do agree with Anne when she said that it would have more effect on the baby in the long run and I will try and discuss this with more detail later with my future posting.

chriso53 said...

i think abortion being right or wrong reallydepends on the situation. If it is a situation where the baby will not be taken care of properly, then in can be right. But in some cases, the baby deserves life.

kimmy t said...

I believe that it is the right of the mother to determine whether to have the baby or not. Society already makes a big deal of abortion that this just adds to the emotional stress that comes with having an abortion. The mother sufers enough on her own and I believe that no matter which decision she makes she is going to suffer whether she has the accidental baby or not. I think however that the feelings of the baby should be taken into account also. When does its life considered to have begun? And how would it feel when he or she finds out that they were an unexpected possible aborted baby. Feeling of not only the mother should be considered because the baby is a person too.

alex said...

This is a very good point. There are many pros and cons to the topic of abortion, not only from the fetus' point of view, but the mother's too.

HotShot said...

So it seems like the baby has to be considered in this situation as well but why is that if it is not born yet? Either way just thinking about an abortion will change the mother and everyone around her. I think that it will be necessary to look at kids who have been adopted or kids whose mother was thinking abou having an abortion to determine the effects that was brought on to the kids without their will.

mhylton said...

Without having to undergo such an emotional journey already, I can only imagine what it would take to make the decision. An abortion is something that can never be reversed, but always second-guessed. When people ask me what I would do if I had to choose to have a baby or abort, I cannot even begin to fathom what decision I would make. I hope to never be in that situation, but I do think that the choice to have an abortion would have just as long of an effect on the woman, as the choice to care for a child.