Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Abortion is a general social issue that has two different arguments of thought and political positions that are constantly in disagreenent with one another. Abortion laws emerged in the 1820s, they were banned by 1965 but in 1973 the roe vs. wade case declared these abortion laws unconstitutional . Modern methods of abortion didn’t appear until the 19th century. Different religions teach different things regarding abortions since their culture is different. One main issue that is argued is whether abortion should be legal or not? The group of people who want abortion to be illegal are the people who are pro-life , meaning that they don’t think abortions should be allowed. This group is mainly made up of conservatives because they want a lot of social government intervention. On the other hand, the people who believe that the woman has the right to choose are called pro-choice. pro-choice groups are mainly liberal. Liberals think that the government should not interfere or have less interference with the social lives of people. The debate over abortion is also centered on whether or not a fetus is a human being. The real question is are fetuses alive? The conservatives or pro- life group thinks that fetuses are alive and believe that the mother is killing the baby; one of their reasons behind believing why abortion is wrong. Because of this, they think that the baby has a right to life since they consider fetuses to be a living, breathing human. Conservatives believe that life starts at the start of contraception . They say that the mother could make other choices instead of performing abortions, like adoption. The goal of the conservatives is to have an amendment added to the constitution giving equal protection under the law to all humans from the time of contraception until death. Of course each side has their own reasons for believing what they do. For instance, people who are against abortion will use religion to back up their reasoning because the bible refers to “David already being cared for by God while in the womb." They also think that woman use abortion as an excuse because they are economically insufficient, immature, or use it as their form of birth control. They think that the woman should suffer the consequences for their actions. On the other hand, liberals or pro- choice say that life begins at birth. In addition their reasoning behind why they can’t make abortion legal is because in our democratic system, people can’t force their religious beliefs on other people. They say that abortions will still occur if abortions were still made illegal so it might as well just be legal. There are certain groups that advocate for certain rights and ideas like Planned Parenthood, clinics and counseling. A positive outcome is that the abortion rate has declined mainly because of better contraceptives, less teen pregnancies and aging of the general population. I personally believe that the woman has the right to choose. They might not be economically ready for a family,be too young to take care of a child or is in some sort of abusive relationship that could affect the child later on in life.


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