Thursday, October 11, 2007

Critical Thinking

The World Health Organization had a statistic saying that there were 19 million women that performed unsafe abortions, called back-alley abortions Back alley abortions could ultimately lead to death. Wouldn’t we rather have woman doing this legally so they don’t inflict more damage upon themselves? Grant it that they have certain social pressures that affect them, which shouldn’t be used as an excuse, but the woman has to choose what works for them and how it will affect them in the long run. In some cultures, some families have a preference for a specific sex, some don’t think that the mother will be an acceptable one; some even think that the mother is too immature to have a baby or that it could interfere with her work or education.. In addition, some woman can’t even afford to take care of themselves so how are they going to take care of a baby? There are already many poor people in the world right now and if they can’t be afforded to be taken care of correctly then why add more underprivileged people into it? Say, for instance, that the woman doesn’t even want the baby, why should they have it when they are going to be treated like crap? I know that I wouldn't want to be neglected, lonely, and starved all the time; nobody wants to feel that way. Of course the mother could always put the baby up for adoption but woman like that won’t go through those nine months of agony to have something that they do not want. I don't think these reasons are acceptable to have an abortion but the social problems that are thrown at them makes them feel like that is the only choice for them. Statistics also show that states with legalized abortion had a decreased crime rate because of unwanted children but this fact is discriminatory with regard to race and socioeconomic class. Personally, I believe that abortions could be performed in cases of rape and incest, to save the pregnant mother’s life or physical health, to selectively reduce the number of fetuses to lesson health risks when having multiple pregnancies,and to end a pregnancy that would result in a baby with congenital disorders like heart disease or dysemelia. I only say to end a pregnancy resulting in congenital diseases because it is hard for any family to deal with something like that and also because the kid will be suffering his or her whole life and might not even end up living that long so will it really be worth it to add all of this unnecessary pain when you could stop it before it even starts? Nevertheless, the option of aborting should be open for all women if they need it. Do you think that if the social pressures of women were somehow reduced than there would be a drop in abortion rate?


bloggirl said...

Abortion is a very serious matter. Having one affects the woman, her partner, and the unborn child. People should research their options and think about the other alternatives before making a decision.

HotShot said...

What bloggirl says is very true. It is important for the woman to take her time when deciding this action. The abortion will not change her life but will most likely change the lives ofthe people that she is close with.

Unknown said...

Personally, I feel that women should be granted the right to choose. Due to the mere fact that it is, in fact, their body and also, they know their situation best. If they feel that bringing a child into the world is not the best option, then they have the ability to choose accordingly. Making abortions illegal only limits the options of women and perhaps can encourage more self-induced abortions.

trailrunner89 said...

I also agree that women should have the right to choose according to what is right for them and their situation. Every situation is different and should be looked at individually. I am still undecided whether or not abortion should be made legal, since if this occurs I think abortion will become easier to access and women might take it as an easy way to just end their problem. Abortion might take on a less serious reputation and become more popular among women resulting is a dramatic rise in the abortion rate.

HotShot said...

Kelsey brings up a good point that should be looked at further. If abortions are made illegal than more woman will probably perform back alley abrtions. Do we really want this to happen? Do we want people to feel like they can not make their own choices in the world? Would you want to be limitied to what you can or can not do? I think we should ask these questions to ourselves before we go around making abortion illegal.

Tofty17 said...

It is very disheartening to see educated people exercise a lack of critical thinking in such an important area of ethics. You obviously subscribe to relative morality on the basis that people should be allowed to do what they want because it is their life correct?