Monday, October 22, 2007

An interesting note

A common misconception regarding partial birth abortions is that the anesthesia given to the mother is supposed to painlessly kill the baby, but the babies experience great pain during this procedure. If doctors see this in training for example, which some have, they are surprised that partial birth abortions are still being done, unless it is to save the mother of course. Witnesses notice the child kicking their feet and thrashing their arms. One witness said that once the child was jammed in the head with the scissors the child jerked, jumped and then was “rigid.” While the brains were removed from their skull the child went “completely limp.” Personally, I don’t think that partial abortion births should be performed at all. If the woman is going to have an abortion they should go all the way and completely do the procedure. The baby should not have to experience unnecessary pain. Your thoughts?


THE MAN said...

I completely agree with the notion of this post. If a women decides to get an abortion, she at least owes it to the developing fetus to give it a painless death. If there is conclusive evidence that partial abortions do inflict pain upon the fetus, they should not be allowed under any circumstances.

lalala09 said...

I agree with the writer’s position that partial birth abortions should not be permissible. The procedure seems archaic and unnecessarily painful. Additionally, I liked how the author presented her views, providing just enough information about the topic with out getting too gruesome or preachy.

trailrunner89 said...

I totally agree with your opinion. I do not agree with partial abortions when the child has to go through such harsh pain. If the abortion is completely necessary, it should be done in a way to be harmless to the child, or developed fetus. You did a good job continuing with the subject of your previous post, going into more detail with this current post. It has kept me interested and wanting to come back to your blog and read your latest posts.

bloggirl said...

The link to the article on pain during partial birth is very interesting. The visual on the site is also very helpful because I was interested on the topic and actually planned on looking it up myself.

HotShot said...

I'm glad everyone liked it and I thought it was an essential post so that it could help give you guys a clearer overall picture of the process. Personally, I didn't even know that this procedure existed so I guess everyone learned something new.

HotShot said...

In order to give you guys more insight my next post will delve into politics regarding partial birth abortions

trackstar said...

i agree with the point, even though i am pro abortion. having an abortion in the first trimester is completely different than killing the baby as it comes out.

db said...

If the baby feels the pain from this abortion is should not be done. Either a new method should be created, or an abortion should be done in a much earlier stage.
If it is a life threatening situation then there can be some exception.

elyse said...

I agree with the writer's opinion of this post. It is seems one hundred percent morally wrong that the abortion would be painful for the baby. I don't understand how the "professionals" can deal with working in this field, even though they are trained to. I would be too heartbroken to go to work everyday.

elyse said...
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